Friday, November 2, 2012

Horoscopes December

Aries:  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Mama Cleo knows about that disgusting thing that you think about! All Mama is sayin is that you are probably going to get hurt doing it, and cantaloupes are out of season so it will be hard anyway
Taurus:  Apr 20 - May 20
This month you will streamline your life. Get back to the basics. Sell all of your possessions, and become a migrant farm worker. Mama Cleo will be so proud of you when your cutting sugar cane in Florida. And the boss man will rarely ever beat you, because you work so hard!
Gemini:  May 21 - Jun 20
Time to polish that resume. Mama Cleo sees unemployment in your future. Did you really think no one was going to notice all those markers in your desk, that you have been huffing? At first they thought you were just really into Hitler. But taking your shirt off was the straw that broke the horses back.
Cancer:  Jun 21 - Jul 22
People in glass houses shouldn't call kettles black. Which means if you live in a glass house you are probably doing really well for yourself. Good for you!
Leo:  Jul 23 - Aug 22
That whole plan you had about stealing peoples lunches and holding them for ransom will probably not pan out. A major flaw will be the part where you don't eat them.
Virgo:  Aug 23 - Sep 22 
Ever been attacked by a squirrel with rabies! Not to spoil the fun but cover your eyes when you throw that garbage in the dumpster. I don't know what it is with squirrels with rabies but they always go for the eyes!
Libra:  Sep 23 - Oct 22
You will become an Internet sensation! Your views on YouTube go through the roof! Who would have thought attaching fishing line to your skin tags and using it to play dueling banjos, is something 15 million people want to see.
Scorpio:  Oct 23 - Nov 21
You will be arrested for using narcotics this month. But later released when the police figure out that apparently it is not against the law to snort pixie sticks.
Sagittarius:  Nov 22 - Dec 21
You will spend your days and nights digging holes. Your life dream of living with the fraggle rocks will come to an abrupt halt, when you think you have found them but later attacked by a family of moles.
Capricorn:  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Put on those leather chaps and bandanna! No your not going to a gay bar! your buying a bike! You wont pass your driving test, but you already own the leather chaps. No worries though Wal mart is running a special on Harley esqiue Huffy peddle bikes.
Aquarius:  Jan 20 - Feb 18
its getting near diet season! I think your new concept of nothing but aerosol foods is a great idea! I mean spray cooking oil, spray cheese, Reddi whip. The menu is endless! This is the end of your reading this month Aquarius Have a great rest of the month!
Pisces:  Feb 19 - Mar 20
Mama Cleo just had a thought. If your symbol is a fish, and Aquarius is water. Does that mean you cant live with out Aquarius?!? Well good luck with that cause they are a bunch of nut jobs ( I only said I like there aerosol diet so they don't poop in my mail box). I mean come on everyone knows there crazy